News Stories

Archive: May, 2021
  • May

    Alaska District commander embraces heritage, promotes diversity

    Walking into the headquarters building for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District, a wall of portraits featuring former commanders greets employees and visitors alike. Of the 29 men who have led the organization during its distinguished history, Col. Damon Delarosa is the first to represent the Asian American community.
  • Alaska District wins Army Environmental Award for Second Consecutive Year

    Climbing up the hillside of a remote Alaskan island, an old tramway rusts into the ground beneath it. With gnarled rails, the 2,400-foot structure is a remanent of an abandoned radar facility that provided early warning of approaching enemy aircraft during World War II. The tramway is part of a formerly used defense site that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District worked to clean up the past two summers.