News Stories

Tag: usace alaska
  • December

    Army engineers transfer ownership of remote armory to support Alaska community

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District transferred ownership of an Army National Guard armory to the community of Scammon Bay on Dec. 21, 2022. This real estate transaction marks the first divestiture of military property within the state under the Bob Stump Act. Eight more facilities are scheduled for turnover in the coming years.
  • October

    Corps project helps improve Soldiers’ sleep

    Almost every night, people close their curtains to go to sleep; but for Soldiers stationed in the Fairbanks area, regular curtains will not suffice. Getting quality sleep in the middle of summer, when daylight is nearly 24 hours a day, is a challenge that can adversely affect mental health. U.S. Army Garrison Alaska is taking a multifaceted approach to address this problem and a small but effective piece of this work is by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District. They worked with Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely to install 2,740 blackout shades in 30 barracks this year to improve sleep quality and in turn, enhance the mental health and well-being of Alaska’s warfighters.
  • July

    Alaska District breathes new life into 1940’s-era headquarters building

    In 1979, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District added 37,800 square feet of dark brown, steel siding and trim to its headquarters and laboratory buildings located on what is now known as Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. Since then, the organization has grown to more than 400 employees and implemented projects across Alaska and the Indo-Pacific Region. But, during nearly half of the district’s history, the exterior of the facility stayed the same color, weathering storms and harsh Alaskan winters each year.
  • May

    Ice Jams Trigger Operation of the Moose Creek Dam on Chena River

    For the first time since operation of the Moose Creek Dam began in 1981, ice jams in the Chena River were the reason that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Alaska District regulated stream flow to successfully prevent flooding of communities in the Fairbanks North Star Borough from April 24 to 30.