US Army Corps of Engineers
Alaska District Website

Public Notice Manager


Published Dec. 16, 2016
Expiration date: 1/17/2017

Mr. Michael Arno's purpose is to create affordable and reasonably sized mixed use commercial/residential parcels served by municipal services within the City of Homer. The project site is located within Section 14, T. 6 S., R. 13 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Seldovia C-4; Latitude 59.6622º N., Longitude 151.4552º W.; Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB); Phase 1, Commercial Park No. 1 Subdivision; beginning 400 foot south of the intersection of East End Road and Birch Lane, in Homer, Alaska; KPB Parcel # 179-080-29. PROPOSED WORK: The applicant has proposed to excavate 1,730 cubic yards (cy) of native material and discharge 2,329 cy of rock fill into 0.69 acre of wetlands to construct an access road with a 26 foot crest width, and an average base width of 39 foot. An 8-inch diameter water main and a 3-inch diameter sanitary sewer line would be trenched in within the footprint of the proposed road (see Sheet 4 of 4). Additionally, an 18-inch wide utility trench (temporarily impacting 1,002 square foot of wetlands) would be excavated north of Kilokak Lane for underground electrical service, resulting in the temporary discharge of fill material into 2,672 square foot of wetlands through sidecasting. Up to 150 cy of sand and rock would be discharged into the utility trench to support the electrical line installation, with sidecast material returned to the trench. There would be no change in pre-construction contours. Any native fill not utilized in backfilling of trenches or road construction would be removed to an upland location. Please contact Ms. Jen Martin at (907) 753-2689, by fax at (907) 420-0813, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2016-369, Beluga Lake_PN

POA-2016-369, Beluga Lake_PN_Drawings


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