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POA-2016-548, Nenana River

Published Jan. 26, 2017
Expiration date: 2/27/2017

PURPOSE: Usibelli Coal Mine's stated purpose is to develop a material site to provide 12-inch minus gravel for road base

construction within the Jumbo Dome Mine blocks 2 through 5; and secondarily to provide space for future expansion of the

existing coal stock pile.  The project site was previously permitted by the Corps of Engineers in 1999 for the discharge of

fill material in 27 acres of wetlands for a proposed coal storage area (Corps of Engineers file number D-970003).

PROPOSED WORK: The applicant proposes to discharge dredge or fill material into 8.63 acres of scrub-shrub-emergent wetlands,

(445,000 cubic yards), during the mechanical extraction, grading, and stockpiling of gravel at a 13.78 acre site at the

existing Poker Flat mine. Access to the site would be from the existing developed land off of River Road.  Top soil and

vegetation would be temporarily stockpiled on-site and reused in the construction of temporary berms to minimize impact to

adjacent wetlands, and to stabilize exposed soil and promote revegetation of the site.  All work would be performed in

accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-5), dated January 11, 2017.

POA-2016-548, Nenana River_PN