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Published June 1, 2017
Expiration date: 6/16/2017

Mr. Wilfred Katcheak, Stebbins Rock Products stated purpose is to construct a barge landing, to support an upland quarry producing armor rock for use in the Bering Sea or Arctic Coast communities. The project site is located within Section 33, T. 22 S., R. 19 W., Kateel River Meridian; USGS Quad Map St. Michael C-1; Latitude 63.5400º N., Longitude -162.3560º W.; near Stebbins, Alaska. Proposed work is to excavate 1,200 cubic yards (cy) of material from the inertidal/ subtidal area, to construct a temporary barge landing (Dimensions:100-feet by 100-feet, 0.25 acre) water-ward of elevation +15.1 Mean Low Lower Water, to a maximum depth of 7 feet below the existing ground surface. The excavated sand and gravel, would be stockpiled on the adjacent beach above the high tide line. The barge landing would be reclaimed by pushing the stored sediments back into the excavated area, when the project is complete or at the end of the work season, whichever comes first. The rock quarry would be constructed in uplands, be approximately .25 acre in size, and provide 20,000 cubic yards of rock. Please contact Leslie Tose at (907) 753-5515, from within Alaska, toll free at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.


POA-2006-1982-M1,Norton Sound_PN


POA-2006-1982-M1,Norton Sound_PN_Drawings