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Published June 21, 2017
Expiration date: 8/14/2017

Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, has stated, "The Alaska Stand Alone Pipeline (ASAP) is Alaska’s in-state natural gas pipeline designed to develop an affordable, long-term energy solution for Fairbanks, the Southcentral region of the state, and other communities in the state consistent with Alaska Statute AS 31.25.005. The permit application, including descriptions of proposed work and structures, plan and elevation drawings, type, composition and quantity of fill discharge by location, and other supporting information is available for public review at the project website: . The proposed project would involve work and structures in navigable waters of the U.S., and the discharge of fill material in waters of the U.S., including wetlands. Therefore, the project is subject to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Comments can be submitted via the U.S. Postal Service to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, CEPOA-RD, Ms. Sandy Gibson, P.O. Box 6898, JBER, Alaska 99506-0898 or also via email at: We request that you include with your comments: (1) Your name, address, and affiliation (if any); (2) Be as specific as possible when stating your concern or comment and whether it is specific to the Draft SEIS, the permit application or both; and (3) Provide any background documents to support your comments, as necessary.

POA-2017-06-16, MWW_ PN for ASAP EIS and Application