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POA-2017-348, Chena Slough

Published July 20, 2017
Expiration date: 8/21/2017

PURPOSE:    Richard J. Eide's stated purpose is to construct a gravel access road and runway pad to be used for seasonal, powered paragliding. 

LOCATION:  The project site is located within Section 23, T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Fairbanks Meridian; USGS Quad Map Fairbanks D-1; Latitude 64.8060º N., Longitude 147.4860º W.; Blueberry Acres Subdivision, Parcel Number 13; near North Pole, Alask

PROPOSED WORK:  The applicant proposes to hand clear and place approximately 3,335 cubic yards (cy) of gravel fill into approximately 2.0 acres of wetlands for the construction of an access road and runway pad.  The proposed work plans call for the hand clearing and discharge of fill for the construction of a 600 feet x 12 feet access road consisting of approximately 0.17 acre linking the property to Bradway Road. 
Once completed, plans call for the construction of a 528 feet x 165 feet runway consisting of approximately 1.9 acres, which will be used as a powered paragliding take-off / landing area. 
A 120 feet vegetated buffer would remain between the project area and Bradway Road.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan sheets (sheets 1-4), dated June 21, 2017. 

Comments on the described work, with the reference number, should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision.  Please contact Laurel Gale at (907) 474-2166, by fax at (907) 474-2164, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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