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Published July 25, 2017
Expiration date: 8/24/2017

Pauline Ruddy (BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.) stated the purpose is to provide continued dredging of seafloor sediments around the WDC for the purpose of maintaining navigational access to DH2 and DH3, and to insure the continued intake of seawater to the existing Seawater Treatment Plant (STP) intake, as previously authorized under multiple US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (USACE) permits including: USACE 740221BS-10 dated July 15, 1974; M-740221BS-10 dated January 8, 1976; NPACO-071-OYD-2-790291 dated March 18, 1980; 2-820177 BS300 dated March 10, 1982; 071-OYD-2-790291 dated June 25, 1982; and POA-1979-291-OO dated March 1, 2008.

The project is located at the existing West Dock Causeway, Latitude 70.38702, Longitude - 148.51575, Umiat Meridian, T12N, R14E, S11,14, and 23, in the Prudhoe Bay unit west of Deadhorse, Alaska.

The applicant proposes:

• Maintenance dredging to the previously permitted design depth of -9.0 feet (ft) (relative to Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) Datum, which is the vertical datum for all elevations cited herein) at dockhead 3 (DH3) and in the approach channel to DH3.

• Maintenance dredging to the previously permitted design depth of -7.8 ft at dockhead 2 (DH2) and in the approach channel from DH3 to DH2.

• Maintenance dredging to the previously permitted design depth of -9.0 ft in the region south and southwest of the STP seawater intake (including the region typically occupied by the ice channel to the STP intake).

• Continued placement of WDC dredged (fill) material on the WDC side slopes at the locations identified in the USACE POA-2016-00441 permit.

• Regrading and shaping of the gravel surfaces of DH2 and DH3 to match the deck heights of arriving barges.

• Regrading of the two ramps on DH2 to facilitate hovercraft access and egress as well as barge removal and re-launching.

• Installation of floats and moorings on the south side of the STP during the open water season for use by oil spill response vessels.

• Installation of buoys for anchor moorings on the east and west side of the causeway to accommodate oil spill response vessel staging.

• Installation of buoys at the 650-ft Breach during the open-water season to warn vessels to remain clear of the breach.

Please contact Mr. Steve Moore by email at, by phone at (907) 753-5713, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by fax at (907) 753-5567 if you have questions or need further information concerning this public notice.

POA-2017-383, Beaufort Sea_PN

POA-2017-383, Beaufort Sea_PN_Drawings