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Published July 31, 2017
Expiration date: 8/30/2017

Isadora Fanning (Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT & PF)) stated the purpose is to improve safety and efficiency of the Kiana Airport by bringing the airport to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards for aircraft delivering essential goods and services to the community.

The project is located at the Bob Baker Memorial Airport, Latitude 66.9758333, Longitude – 160.4363888, Kateel River Meridian, T18N/19N, R8W/8W, S 4,5,6,8,9 / 31,32 near the community of Kiana, Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska.

The proposal involves various airport improvements, including skewing and lengthening the existing runway and taxiway, expanding the existing apron, resurfacing operational surfaces, and replacing light and navigational aids (NAVAIDs). Gravel will be sourced from a new, offsite gravel pit located approximately 2.8 miles to the northwest of Kiana, and accessed via a proposed permanent gravel road. The proposed work will result in the filling of 113.99 acres of wetlands, of which 92.82 acres of wetlands will be filled permanently and 21.17 acres will be filled temporarily. Total volume of fill is 304,441 cubic yards.

Please contact Mr. Steve Moore by email at, by phone at (907) 753-5713, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by fax at (907) 753-5567 if you have questions or need further information concerning this public notice.


POA-2017-184, Kobuk River_PN

POA-2017-184, Kobuk River_Project Plans

POA-2017-184, Kobuk River_Evaluation of the Material Site Access Road Alignment Alternatives