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Published July 5, 2018
Expiration date: 8/6/2018

Allison Miller and James Shoemaker stated the purpose is to upgrade an existing dock to modern standards and address safety concerns.  The project site is located within Section 3, T. 75 S., R. 86 E., Copper River Meridian; Latitude 55.4007º N., Longitude 132.3268º W.; near Ketchikan, Alaska.  PROPOSED WORK:  To install one 50 feet x 18 feet floating dock extension, one 30 feet x 16 feet float, one 70 feet x 6 feet aluminum ramp, one 20 feet by 16 feet ramp float dock, and one 460 feet long by 7 feet wide pile supported pier.  The project would include the installation of two 16 inch steel pipe piles, seven 12 inch galvanized steel pipe piles, and forty-one recycled creosote piles.  Piles will be installed utilizing an MKT#7 impact hammer mounted on a spud barge and an excavator, the excavator will use mats to drive on tidelands during low tides when the site is dewatered.  For the creosote piles the excavator will remove approximately 1.03 cubic yards (CY) of material per hole and discharge 44 CY of the excavated material as backfill.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-3), dated May 30, 2018.

POA-1986-00204, Saltery Cove_PN