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Published July 23, 2018
Expiration date: 8/7/2018

City of Dillingham, POC Tod Larson, stated purpose is to replace the thirty year old float system in the Dillingham Small Boat Harbor in order to continue operation.  PROPOSED WORK:  Remove six 18-inch diameter steel anchor pipe piles securing the existing removable float systems using vibratory hammer extraction.  Install approximately 90 sheet piles total, including 50 below high tide line (HTL), using a vibratory hammer at three locations to form sheetpile abutments that would serve as supports for the new catwalks. The toe of Ramp 1 and most of the sheet piles for Ramp 3 would be installed below HTL and the rest of the sheet piles would be above HTL.  Install 17 new steel 30-inch diameter anchor piles using vibratory and impact (if required) driving to support the new dock floats. Gangways, catwalks, and floats would support water utility lines for seasonal potable water and fire service. New utility connections would be made in the adjacent uplands.  Discharge 90 cubic yards (CY) total, including 40 CY into 0.01-acres below HTL, to construct access ramps to the new float systems.  Please contact Jason Brewer at (907) 753-2823, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.