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Published Nov. 2, 2018
Expiration date: 12/3/2018

PURPOSE: The applicant, Oil Search proposes to drill wells and construct and operate infrastructure and facilities to produce and transport sales-quality oil to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). Project components include: the Nanushuk Pad (composed of drill site 1 [DS1] and central processing facility), two standalone gravel drill sites (DS2 and DS3), an operations center, a tie-in pad, infield pipelines on vertical support members (VSMs), the Nanushuk Pipeline on VSMs, gravel infield roads, a gravel access road, road bridges at the Miluveach and Kachemach Rivers, and a potable water intake system. The Department of the Army permit application and its revisions, including descriptions of proposed work and structures, and other supporting information can be viewed on the Nansuhuk EIS website:

The EIS is available for public review on the Nanushuk EIS website:  Copies of the EIS are also available for review at the following libraries:

 Anchorage ARLIS, 3211 Providence Drive, Library Suite 111, Anchorage, Alaska  99508
 Noel Wien Public Library, 1215 Cowles Street, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
 Tuzzy Consortium Library, 5421 North Star Street, Utqiagvik, Alaska 99723

To request a compact disc or hardcopy of the EIS, please contact the Applicant at:  Oil Search Alaska, LLC, c/o Patrick Conway, at 510 L St., Suite 310, Anchorage, Alaska  99501; or by email at; or by phone at 907-375-6938.
Any questions pertaining to this notice may be directed to: Ellen Lyons, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, CEPOA-RD-NC, 2175 University Avenue, Suite 201E, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709; via email at:, or; telephone at (907) 474-2169.

POA-2015-25, Nanushuk Final EIS_PN