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Published Feb. 26, 2019
Expiration date: 3/28/2019

Ms. Leigh Folsom, from 105 S. Florida Avenue, Lakeland, Florida  33801, states that the project purpose is to construct three residential dwellings and a barn on the applicant’s property. Work being proposed includes to discharge 20,464 cubic yards (CY) of fill material into 3.95 acres of wetlands for the construction of four building pads, roads with utility service, flared roadways and bridge abutments. The project site is located within Section 4, T. 6 S., R. 12 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Seldovia C-4; Latitude 59.6876º N., Longitude 151.3281º W.; Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB); Stone Step Subdivision, Tract A; KPB Parcel # 174-320-47; on Sun Step Circle, near Homer, Alaska.  Please contact Jen Martin at (907) 753-2730, by fax at (907) 420-0813, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.