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POA-2019-00306, Turnagain Arm

Published June 18, 2019
Expiration date: 7/17/2019

PURPOSE:  The applicant, the United States Forest Service, Glacier Ranger District's stated project purpose is to provide recreational access between the Seward Highway right-of-way and undeveloped upland areas of the Chugach National Forest.  This trail spur would later connect to the proposed Twentymile Valley segment of the Iditarod National Historic Trail.  The project would also provide off-road vehicle access to private inholding properties within the Chugach National Forest.

LOCATION:  The project site is located within Section 5, T. 8N., R. 3E., Seward Meridian; Latitude 60.8568 º N., Longitude 149.0015º W.; near Girdwood, Alaska.

PROPOSED WORK:   The project would result in discharges of fill material into a total of 1.42 acres of wetlands adjacent to the Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet. 
The proposed discharges would be for the construction the Twentymile Trail Spur Project.  This project would consist of a 0.5-mile-long universally accessible paved trail and associated trailhead parking. The trail would connect uplands within the Chugach National Forest east of the Alaska Railroad Corporation’s tracks with the Seward Highway. The trail would have an 8-foot wide paved surface, 2-foot wide gravel shoulders and 3:1 side slopes.  The trailhead parking area would provide space for six vehicles. The trail would be designed to accommodate off-road vehicle access to private inholding properties within the Chugach National Forest. The trail would cross the Alaska Railroad Corporation tracks at a designated crossing point identified by the Railroad Corporation.

All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed sheets labeled
POA-2019-00306, Pages 1 - 3.   

POA-2019-00306, Turnagain Arm_PN