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POA-2004-01564, Delta Creek

Published July 10, 2019
Expiration date: 7/25/2019

Mr. Allen Branco III, U.S. Air Force states that the project purpose is to modify the existing permit, POA-2004-01564, Delta Creek, with the addition of two gravel pads for existing targetry which is now placed directly on the tundra, and to create access roads connecting the new pads to existing infrastructure for range maintenance and cleanup purposes. The existing unimproved roads do not have all-weather surfaces. Work being proposed would impact waters of the U.S. in association with placement of 122,158 cubic yards (CY) of gravel on 15.4 acres of wetlands to build target pads and access roads for the air force training mission.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-6), dated July 8, 2019. The project site is located at Section 30, T. 10 S., R. 8 E., Fairbanks Meridian; USGS Quad Map Big Delta A–5; Latitude 63.9958º N., Longitude -146.3044º W.; in the Oklahoma Impact Area, Donnelly Training Area West, near Delta Junction, Alaska. Please contact Amy Tippery at (907) 458-1602, by fax at (907) 474-2164, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2004-01564, Delta Creek _PN and Plans