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POA-1961-00028, Sumner Strait

Published Dec. 2, 2019
Expiration date: 1/2/2020

The United States Forest Service, Petersburg Ranger District, Attention: Mr. Ted Sandhofer, Post Office Box 1328, Petersburg AK 99833, states that the project purpose is to help facilitate the movement of logs to meet timber supply and demand as identified in the Central Tongass Project (CTP) and machinery and the movement of people and cargo.  This would be done by increasing upland log storage capacity and improving stormwater drainage for the Log Transfer Facility (LTF).  Work being proposed includes converting the existing causeway into a 10% grade, 230 foot long x 28 foot wide ramp as well as expand the fill foot print in wetlands by 1.5 acres.  Section 10 work would consist of excavating 8,915 cubic yards (CY) of fill below Mean High Water (MHW) and removing and disposing of the existing log bulkhead.  The excavation would occur from land.  The 1.5-acre expansion area would be created using mechanized land clearing and grubbing as well as by placing 9,630 CY of fill.  The expansion area would also consist of a shot-rock lined ditch line and settling pond. The project site is located within Section 35,   T. 61 S., R. 81 E.; Latitude 56.5430º N., Longitude 132.7282 º W.; near Petersburg, Alaska. Please contact Emily Vullo at (907) 753-2704, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567,  or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.