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POA-2019-00636, Miluveach River

Published Jan. 15, 2020
Expiration date: 2/14/2020

Ms. Theresa Imm with ASRC Exploration, LLC (AEX), states that the project purpose is to develop oil within the Kuparuk C reservoir, contained within the Placer Unit, on the North Slope of Alaska.  Work being proposed includes to discharge approximately 68,000 cubic yards (CY) of gravel to construct an approximately seven acre gravel pad (Dimensions: top width varies between 250 feet (’) and 400’; bottom width varies between 270’ and 420’, length will be 1000’.  Pad will be 5’ high with 2:1 fill slope.) and approximately 325,000 CY of gravel to construct a seven mile access road (Dimensions: 24 foot top width, 44’ min bottom width, 5’ to 6’ feet high, 2:1 fill slope.  The road will have a 37 acre footprint), and 3 phase pipeline with Vertical Support Members (VSMs) will transport fluids from the pad to a nearby processing facility.  Total footprint of the project is 45.5 acres.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-14), dated September 27, 2019.  The project site is located within Sections 4, 9, 15, 15, 22, 26, 27 Township - 11 North Range - 7 East, Umiat Meridian; Latitude 70.31429º N., Longitude 150.3745º W.; near Nuiqsut, Alaska.  The proposed gravel road will take off from the existing gravel road between the Mustang Pad and the Mustang Gravel pit near Section 35 of Township 1 IN, 7E in the Umiat Meridian.  The Mustang Pad is about 45 miles west of Deadhorse and can be accessed via the Spine Road.  Please contact Leslie W. Tose at (907) 753-5515, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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