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POA-2020-00160, Crooked Creek

Published April 1, 2020
Expiration date: 5/1/2020

Derek Gilberston, with Brice Incorporated states the project purpose is to provide adequate quality and quantity of mineral material for the Crooked Creek Airport Improvements Project in Crooked Creek, Alaska.  Work being proposed includes mechanically clear 8.0-acres of land to expand an existing pit, and then excavate the area to deepen the pit to reach the underlying sand and gravel layers.  Separate topsoil and organic material from the useable gravel and sand layers, and stockpile each separately.  The majority of the expansion would be in non-jurisdictional uplands.  In order to obtain adequate amounts of material (400,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel), the pit expansion would also impact approximately 0.27-acres of ponded habitat and 1.71-acres of riverine wetlands, this portion is the only part of the project under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers authority.  After the useable material has been used or stockpiled in uplands, the wetland and pond area would be reclaimed using the stockpile wetland topsoil and organic material.  The reclaimed area would be contoured and topsoil would be spread over the top.  The reclamation effort is anticipated to result in a 6.0-acre pond upon completion, which would be a 4.02 acre increase in waters of the United States (WOUS).  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-3), dated March 20, 2020. The project site is located at Latitude 61.86919º N., Longitude 158.12372º W.; travel west from the airport for 0.4 miles and project is on your right, just before the bridge over the creek in Crooked Creek, Alaska.  Please contact Jason Brewer at (907) 753-2823, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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