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POA-2020-00086, Chukchi Sea_PN

Published Aug. 3, 2020
Expiration date: 9/2/2020

Mr. Nagruk Harcharek, with UIC Lands, states the project purpose is to develop a gravel source for Utqiaġvik and other North Slope Villages.  The applicant proposes the placement of 66,365 cubic yards (CY) of gravel material for the construction of a road and operations pad into 11.41 acres of Palustrine emergent wetlands (PEM), and the mechanized land clearing of an additional 85.45 acres of PEM, for a total of 96.86 acres of wetlands impacted when all phases have been completed. All overburden and gravel materials would be stockpiled at the bottom of the pit to allow the frozen material to thaw and drain any excess water.  The applicant plans to remove up to 850,000 CY during each phase of the permit with an estimated 80,000 CY per year.  The project site is located within Sections 4 & 9, T. 22 N., R. 18 W., and Section 33, T. 23 N., R. 18 W., Umiat Meridian; the road starting point would be Latitude 71.2972º N., Longitude 156.7261º W.; the road end point would be Latitude 71.2797º N., Longitude 156.7101º W.; with the centroid point for the pit being Latitude 71.2781º N., Longitude 156.7108º W.; in Utqiaġvik, Alaska. Please contact Mary Romero at (907) 753-2773, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2020-00086, Chukchi Sea_PN