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POA-2020-00312, Zimovia Strait

Published Aug. 6, 2020
Expiration date: 8/21/2020

Mr. Brett Woodbury, with BW Enterprise, PO Box 2121, Wrangell, AK, 99929 states that the project purpose is to construct secure dry storage for boats.  Work being proposed includes to construct a shot rock fill contained within stacked rock walls.  Rock would be hauled in dump trucks, spread with an excavator and compacted with a roller to discharge rock to entirely fill Lots 3 and 4 .  This work would result in a discharge of 15,046 yards of rock fill material into 0.99-acre   of the intertidal zone in the Wrangell Downtown Harbor.  The project site is located within Section 25, T. 63 S., R. 83 E., Copper River Meridian; Latitude 56.461º N., Longitude -132.379º W.; Tidelands, Block 83A, lot 3 & 4; in Wrangell, Alaska.  Please contact Jason Berkner at (907) 753-5778, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.