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POA-2008-00756, Cripple Creek

Published Sept. 24, 2020
Expiration date: 10/9/2020

Bryant Wright, with Fairbanks Northstar Borough Parks & Recreation, states the project purposeis to  construct a hardened, linear transportation corridor for recreational trail use through the Fairbanks North Star Borough's Isberg Recreation Area.  A hardened trail is needed to get park users across wet terrain, limit traffic to a single corridor, and reduce impacts to adjacent wetlands.   Work being purposed includes to repair 2,000 feet of damaged trail in the Isberg Recreation Area.  Final trail widths will be between 10-15 feet.  Trail construction will begin with placing the following on the existing ground: geotextile fabric, biaxial geogrid, base course of rock tailings, and a surface course of compacted D-1 gravel.  Placement of the base course may take place during winter months over frozen ground to reduce pumping and ground disturbance.  Additionally, several 18" diameter culverts will be installed to accommodate seasonal flowing water.  A larger 36" culvert with be installed to accommodate Cripple Creek. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-4), dated September 11, 2020.  The project site is located within Section 25, T. 1 S., R. 3 W., Fairbanks Meridian; Latitude 64.802º N., Longitude -148.052º W.; within the Isberg Recreation Area, in Fairbanks, Alaska.  Please contact Ashley Kraetsch at (907) 458-1606, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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