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POA-2006-02047, Fish Creek

Published April 16, 2021
Expiration date: 5/3/2021

Bartly Kleven, with Fairbanks Gold Mining In, states the project purpose is to profitably produce gold from mineral reserves on State of Alaska Land, utilizing open-pit mining methods and existing recovery processes.  The work being proposed includes to develop the required infrastructure in order to mine the Gil Project.  The first step is to upgrade the access road for moving mining equipment to the Gil Project in the fourth quarter of 2021.  The main access road will be widened and impact 0.44 acre of wetlands and 0.18 acre of the freshwater reservoir, which will be reclaimed after three years.  The mining will start on Gil Ridge in uplands in late 2021 and progress to Sourdough Ridge in 2023.  Mining will end at both locations in 2023. Reclamation will commence in 2024 and progress through 2025.  On site, monitoring will continue after reclamation.  The ore from the open pits will be hauled to the existing Fort Knox processing facility.  No wetlands or waters will be impacted at the Fort Knox processing facility.  The proposed impacts for the Gil Project will include 3.27 acres of permanent impacts for mine roads and pit development.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-17), dated March & April 2021. The project site is located within Section 8, T. 2 N., R. 3 E., Fairbanks Meridian; Latitude 65.024º N., Longitude 147.106º W.; near Fairbanks, Alaska. Please contact Ashley Kraetsch at (907) 458-1606, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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