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POA-2021-00211, Smith Creek_PN

Published May 12, 2021
Expiration date: 6/11/2021

Mr. Brett Nelson, with ADOT&PF, states the project is to construct safety and operational repairs to provide the community of Deering with safe and efficient, all-season airport access. The project purpose is also to bring the airport to current standards and meet criteria identified in the Alaska Plan, the Alaska Aviation System Plan, and current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) design standards. Work being proposed, Resurface the existing runway, rehabilitate runway embankments, replace the airport lighting, improve airport drainage, and construct a new access road to the airport with a bridge over Smith Creek. The new bridge will have earthen abutments and approaches on either side of Smith Creek. The new road will provide all season access to the Deering Airport. Fill material (sand and gravel) will be excavated from up to five material sites in the Inmachuk River. The new access road to the Deering Airport requires fill placement into approximately 8.1 acres of wetlands. To stabilize thawing permafrost around the runway new fill material will be placed on existing runway embankments and into adjacent wetlands. Airport fill will total approximately 10.4 acres in wetlands. The rip rap protecting the bridge embankments will impact 0.2 acres of waters of the U.S. (WOTUS). A total of 18.8 acres of WOTUS will be filled. Temporary work space of 4.8 acres, will buffer the evacuation and access road. Vegetation grubbing for the project will take place before May 20th or after July 20th to avoid impacts to nesting migratory birds. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-2), dated October 2020.  The project site is located within Section 24, 25, 36, T. 8 N., R. 20 W., Kateel River Meridian; USGS Quad Map Kotzebue A-2; Latitude 66.0743º N., Longitude 162.7463º W.; 55 miles south of Kotzebue, in Deering, Alaska.  Please contact Janet Post at (907) 753-2831, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2021-00211, Smith Creek_PN