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POA-1993-00713, Cook Inlet_PN (Ammended)

Published July 20, 2021
Expiration date: 8/4/2021

Ms. Anna Dugan, with Hilcorp Alaska, LLC., states the purpose of the project is to construct additional natural gas pipelines to provide system safeguards, reduce maintenance requirements, and increase reliability of the system to meet gas needs. Work being proposed,  temporarily discharge up to 20,139 cubic yards (CY) of material excavated from 3.125 acres of wetlands into no more than 3.236 acres of wetlands adjacent to the Cook Inlet, a navigable water of the U.S., and to discharge the same material, plus 405.5 CY of contained sand, back into the location from which it came in order to construct two additional pipelines between existing gas wells.  One 20-inch medium pressure pipeline and one 24-inch low pressure pipeline would be constructed within a 5,600-foot long trench adjacent to two existing pipelines.  The trench would transit 5,220 linear feet of wetlands and would generally be 8 feet wide at the base and up to 26 feet wide at the top due to the nature of wetland soil and engineering requirements.  Ten connections points, each 20 feet long and spaced every 500 feet along the pipeline route, would require the trench to be 10 feet wide at the base and up to 28 feet wide at the top to allow sufficient space for safe worker access for welding and connecting of pipeline sections.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed project overview, sheets 1-4, dated August 28, 2020, and the project plans (sheets 1-16), dated April 8, 2021.  Construction would take place during August/September 2021 or the following winter. The following aspects of the project do not require a DA permit but are listed here for a more complete description of the project.  In upland areas, the trench width would be 8 feet at the base and approximately 12 feet wide at the top.  Up to 5.5 acres of temporary rig mats would be utilized for temporary equipment staging along the pipeline route. The project site is located within the Kenai Gas Field (KGF) between Pad 34-31 at Latitude 60.474849º N., Longitude 151.273019º W and Pad 14-06 at Latitude 60.459213º N., Longitude 151.2644289º W.; between mile posts 10 and 11, Kalifornsky Beach Road, near Kenai, Alaska. Please contact Mr. Ben Polley at (907) 753-2627 or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-1993-00713, Cook Inlet_ PN (Ammended)