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POA-2022-00130, Port Valdez_PN

Published April 12, 2022
Expiration date: 5/12/2022

Nathan Duval, City of Valdez; email:, telephone (907) 835-4313, states purpose is to replace the aging Valdez Small Boat Harbor infrastructure to continue the current level of public service, public access, and vessel mooring. To reconstruct the Valdez Small Boat Harbor, including removing the A-G, H-K and Tour Dock floats, steel piles, and utilities. Steel piles would be reinstalled if in good conditions or replaced with new ones. Three gangways would be removed and replaced with salvaged ones or new ones. Dredging would occur at the Tour Dock south access gangway and at the travel (boat) lift gangway and a rock revetment wall would be constructed to stabilize dredged area at the south access gangway. Total dredging area would be 0.25-acre (1,550 cubic yards) and fill area (revetment wall) would be 0.02-acre (125 cubic yards of riprap). Project construction would begin Fall 2022 and is anticipated to have a duration of approximately 5-7 months. The project site is located within Section 32, T. 8 S., R. 6 W., Copper River Meridian; USGS Quad Map Valdez A-7; Latitude 61.1264º N.,
Longitude 146.3445º W.; City of Valdez Small Boat Harbor, at the end of Chitina Avenue, in Valdez, Alaska. Please contact Estrella Campellone at (907) 753-2518, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.