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POA-2022-00034, Gillespie Creek_PN

Published May 3, 2022
Expiration date: 6/2/2022

Brett Nelson, Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, states the purpose is to improve safety and bring this section of the Richardson Highway up to current design standards. The project is needed because the Richardson Highway throughout this corridor is substandard. This narrow section of roadway was last upgraded in 1953 and reflects the design standards of the time. The existing paved surface has two 12-foot travel lanes with many areas without a gravel shoulder. The pavement is in need of replacement and areas of the road are experiencing embankment and foundation settlement. The road embankment is steep and its alignment has numerous sharp horizontal and vertical curves that limit sight distance and exceed current design standards. Drainage problems exist in several areas due to undersized or failing culverts. DOT&PF proposes to reconstruct the Richardson Highway between mileposts 167 and 173. The scope of work includes reconstructing the road with 12-foot lanes and 6-foot-wide paved shoulders, reduce existing steep vertical grades and flatten horizontal and vertical curves, grading ditches to drain and replacing failing or undersized culverts, improve turnouts, replace roadway signs, realign the highway around Meiers Lake (MP 170), and build a temporary access road to access a retired material site where unusable material will be placed to reclaim the site. The project site is located between Latitude 62.7789114° N., Longitude 145.4682574° W.; and Latitude 62.8566343° N., Longitude 145.4738913° W.; Milepost 167 to 173 Richardson Highway, near Paxson Lake, Alaska. Please contact John Sargent at (907) 347-1803, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.