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POA-1996-00211, Goodpaster River_PN

Published Sept. 19, 2022
Expiration date: 10/19/2022

Northern Star (Pogo) LLC, POC: Michael Eckert, P.O. Box 145, Delta Junction, Alaska 99737, states the purpose is to expand existing facilities at the Pogo Mine to operate economically and safely for an additional ten years. The proposed work is a modification of activities previously authorized under POA-1996-00211. An additional total of approximately 4.9 acres wetlands would be permanently impacted by the proposed project from the following activities – the applicant is proposing to permanently impact approximately 2.6 acres wetlands by placing approximately 5,000 cubic yards of fill material to expand the Pogo Mine Dry Stack Tailings Facility (DSTF) and permanently impact 2.3 acres wetlands by placing 5,000 cubic yards fill material for the laydown area (Road 8 and Ruen Laydown Area). Non-mineralized rock from the property would be used as the fill material. The project site is located within Section 25 and 36, T. 5 S., R. 14 E., Fairbanks Meridian, USGS Quad Map Big Delta B-2; Latitude 64.445354º N., Longitude 144.877660º W.; approximately 35 miles northeast of Delta Junction, Alaska. Please contact Tiffany Kwakwa at (907) 201-5458 or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-1996-00211, Goodpaster River_PN