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POA-2011-00959 Korovin Lake PN

Published Dec. 5, 2022
Expiration date: 1/4/2023

Native Village of Atka, Atka Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) Council, James Stevens, P.O. Box 47030, Atka, Alaska 99547, states the purpose is to provide all weather access from the village of Atka to Korovin Bay, an important subsistence area. Korovin Road was a one lane road originally built during World War II to support the Atka installation. The existing road does not meet current width, grade, and alignment standards. Winter travel is precluded because drivers cannot differentiate between the existing road and lake during winter weather. This project would fix these deficiencies, enhancing safety and all-weather access. Additionally, the project would enable the community to transport fishing vessels between the southeast side of the island and the northwest side. The applicant proposes to rehabilitate 1.85-miles of Korovin Road by discharging 10,510 cubic yards of fill material (600 cubic yards of rip rap and 9,910 cubic yards of gravel fill) into 4.0 acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands. The road would have an average base-width of 27-feet, except at pull-outs where the road would have an average base-width of 34 feet. The road prism would be up to 6 foot in depth with 2:1 slope, and a 12-foot wide travel way, consisting of one travel lane with no shoulders. The crest width would increase to 24-foot at pull-outs to provide passing opportunities. Up to 590 cubic yards of rip rap would be installed along 1,642 linear foot of the Korovin Lake segment to differentiate the road from the lake shore and to prevent erosion, however, no rip rap would be discharged below the ordinary high water mark of the lake. The existing bridge over Korovin Creek along the original alignment would be removed, with a new 24-foot diameter bottomless culvert, 72-foot in length, installed on the realigned portion of the road. Up to 10 cubic yards of rip rap would be placed along Korovin Creek within the new arch, in addition to the placement of 200 cubic yards of Type A material and concrete footings for arch culvert installation (see Sheet 10 of 11). At least 21 culverts, 24-inches in diameter, would be installed to convey existing hydrology across the site. An additional six culverts, ranging in size from 48-inches to 60-inches in diameter, would be installed within streams that may support anadromous or resident fish (see Sheet 11 of 11). All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-11), dated November 30, 2022. The project site is located within Section 4, T. 92 S., R. 176 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Atka C-1; Latitude 52.2289º N., Longitude 174.2100º W.; Aleutians West Census Area; Atka Island; from the intersection of Korovin Road and Dock Road towards Korovin Bay, in Atka, Alaska. Please contact Jen Martin at (907) 753-2730, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.