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POA-1983-00465-M8 Thorne Bay PN

Published Feb. 8, 2023
Expiration date: 3/10/2023

Mr. John Huestis, City of Thorne Bay, P.O. Box 19110, Thorne Bay, AK 99919, 907-828-3380,, states the purpose is to provide additional boat trailer and vehicle parking adjacent to the existing launch ramp and harbor because a planned fire station will displace some of the few parking spaces that currently exist, and the site is very underserved for parking. The applicant proposes to expand the Davidson Landing Harbor parking area by filling in a corner bounded by the boat launch ramp to the south, the existing gravel pad and access driveway to the west, harbor access/entrance to the north, and the South Davidson Inlet to the east. Approximately half of this corner area appears to have been partially filled prior to 2008, but not brought up to the surface grade of the surrounding gravel pads/access roads so it is not a useable surface. This previously filled area is lower than the high tide line, but higher than the mean high water, and much higher than the natural beach. The applicant proposes to place clean fill material from a local quarry consisting of 1494 cubic yards of shot rock, 119 cubic yards of D-1 gravel, and 411 cubic yards of armor rock as fill in 0.132-acre of waters of the U.S. to bring this corner area up to grade as a functional parking area. The surface of the proposed parking area would be approximately 74 feet at the widest point and 124 feet long at the longest point, with a 2:1 riprap slope on the east side. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-5), dated July 14, 2022, and November 28, 2022. The project site is located within Section 34, T. 71 S., R. 84 E., Copper River Meridian; USGS Quad Map Cape Flattery; Latitude 55.6706º N., Longitude -132.5239º W.; in the city of Thorne Bay, Alaska. Please contact Heather Markway at (907) 753-2797, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.