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POA-2006-02047-M1 Fish Creek PN

Published Feb. 10, 2023
Expiration date: 3/12/2023

Bartly Kleven, Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc., P.O. Box 73726, Fairbanks, AK 99707, states the purpose is to expand the existing Gil Mine Project, which began in 2021. The purpose of the Gil Mine Project - 2023 Modification is to profitably produce gold from mineral reserves on State of Alaska Land, utilizing open-pit mining methods and existing recovery processes. The proposed project would expand an existing mine on state-owned land northeast of Fairbanks and southeast of Chatanika to continue extracting gold. Impacts to waters of the United States. caused by construction of the existing mine totaled 3.27 acres; these impacts were authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (Corps) on August 6, 2021. The proposed project would be authorized by a modification of the existing permit. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-5), dated January 2023. The project site is located within Sections 2, 3, 10 & 11, T. 2 N., R. 3 E., Fairbanks Meridian; Latitude 65.024400º N., Longitude 147.104700º W.; near Chatanika, Alaska. From Fairbanks, travel North on the Steese Highway, turn right on Fish Creek Road to the Fort Knox security office. Traveling on site, go east below tailings storage facility, across the existing Gil Causeway, and continue east approximately six miles on the existing access road to the Gil Project. Please contact Greg Mazer at (907) 347-9059, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at, if further information is desired concerning this public notice.