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POA-2023-00052 Nazuruk Channel PN

Published March 31, 2023
Expiration date: 4/30/2023

Noorvik Native Community, P.O. Box 209, Noorvik, AK 99763 states the purpose is to construct a new roadway to provide safe access to a local cemetery near Noorvik. The proposed Middle Cemetery Road Project is being funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and will involve construction of a 0.98 mile long, two-way, single lane roadway to an existing cemetery that does not currently have road access. The roadway will be constructed to have a 10 foot wide travel lane with 6 foot wide shoulders. The road will be 60 feet wide at toe of slope. Also, the proposed roadway would end in a cul-de-sac at the cemetery and have four pullouts that are spaced approximately every 1,000 feet. The Middle Cemetery Road would be constructed as an overlay section on top of the existing ground without stripping vegetation or excavation to protect underlaying permafrost and reduce premature road degradation. These construction activities will result in the permanent loss of approximately 7.27 acres of wetlands. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1–8), dated November 23, 2022, and February 17, 2023. The project site is located approximately 1.8 miles southeast of Noorvik in Section 36, Township 17 North, Range 11 West, Latitude 66.822433° North, Longitude -160.983889° West, Northwest Arctic Borough, Alaska. Please contact Jonathan Hegna at (907) 753-2708 or toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.