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POA-2021-00278 Glacier Creek PN

Published June 23, 2023
Expiration date: 7/24/2023

Glacier View LLC, Attention: Tim Cabana, P.O. Box 201 Girdwood, Alaska 99587, states the purpose is to construct multi-family housing in Girdwood, Alaska. Construction of multi-family homes including house pads, access driveways, and parking areas. Specifically, the work to include discharge of fill material into 1.03-acres of palustrine wetland for construction of five (5) approximately 120-foot-long by 48-foot-wide building pads. The western two building pads will have an approximately 122-foot-long by 20-foot driveway leading to the pads and the southern three building pads will have a driveway and parking area approximately 151-linear feet on the eastern edge. Additionally, construction of an “L” shaped access 20-foot-wide road in palustrine wetlands within the southern portion of the parcel for construction of subdivision in uplands approximately 183-linear feet in the going north to south and 96-linear feet from west to east.   All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-7), dated June 9, 2023. The project site is located within Section 17, T. 10 N., R. 2E., Seward Meridian; Latitude 60.961167º N., Longitude 149.129237º W.; in Girdwood, Alaska. Please contact Andrew Gregory at (907) 753-2791, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.