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POA-1938-00006 Orca Inlet PN

Published July 24, 2023
Expiration date: 8/23/2023

The City of Cordova, Public Works, 602 Railroad Avenue, Cordova, Alaska 99574; Contact: Ms. Sam Greenwood, (907) 424-6231, states the purpose is to improve the Cordova Harbor and return it to a state of good repair. The project is needed to offer safe vessel mooring and better accommodate the current and future commercial fishing industry and associated freight to protect the local economy. The City proposes to remove all five concrete main walk floats and associated piles, all three timber trestles and associated piles, and the concrete seaplane float and associated piles from the southern portion of the harbor which were constructed in 1983 with an anticipated service life of 25 years. After removal of this harbor infrastructure, the City proposes to construct five main walk floats each with an end float and numerous stall floats arranged in two complexes, two 8-foot-wide main walk floats connecting the main walk floats and gangways, two 6- foot-wide by 80-foot-long Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant pedestrian gangways, one of which connects to a 16-foot by 32-foot gangway float, and the other connects to a 16-foot by 20-foot gangway float. The project site is located within Section 28, T. 15 S., R. 3 W., Copper River Meridian; Latitude 60.54358° N, Longitude 145.76418° W; South Harbor; in Cordova, Alaska.