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POA-2023-00343 Kuparuk River PN

Published July 25, 2023
Expiration date: 8/24/2023

Ms. Keri Iles, Hilcorp North Slope, LLC, 3800 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 1400, Anchorage, Alaska  99503 states that the purpose is “the current pipeline and header system limit the capacity to produce economic wells at L, V, W, and Z pads. The purpose of this project is to improve flow from EWE [Eileen West End] Junction to GC2 [Gathering Center 2] through the installation new production and new gas lift line. The new EWE pipelines will reduce existing constraints and improve capacity for the pursuit of economic wells at these pads.” Hilcorp North Slope, LLC (Hilcorp) is proposing the installation of two new pipelines between Gathering Center 2 (GC2) and Eileen West End (EWE) located in the Western operating area of the Prudhoe Bay unit. The two pipelines as proposed will be approximately 35,000 feet long with one pipeline being 30 inches in diameter and the second pipeline being 14 inches in diameter and would be placed on a combination of new and existing vertical support members and horizontal support members. In addition to the installation of two new pipelines a pad expansion will be required at EWE junction to support pipeline tie-in infrastructure. The project as proposed will cumulatively discharge up to 13,000 cubic yards of clean gravel material from Kuparuk Mine Site C and supplemented with clean reclaimed gravel material from the Kuparuk River and 2,000 cubic yards of a sand/slurry mixture impacting 1.4 acres of palustrine emergent wetland. The project site is located at Latitude 70.307815, Longitude -149.086678; near the Kuparuk River, North Slope Borough, Alaska. Please contact Allen Atkins at (907) 753-2780, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.