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Published Dec. 28, 2023
Expiration date: 1/29/2024

Andre Spinelli, Spinell Homes, stated the purpose is to construct a residential subdivision with 21 single-home lots including a cul-de-sac, driveways, utilities, and single family homes in conformance with Municipality of Anchorage ordinances. The project site is located within Section 4, T. 12 N., R. 3 W., Seward Meridian; Latitude 61.1562º N., Longitude 149.8182º W.; 7101 Spruce Street, in Anchorage, Alaska. PROPOSED WORK: The proposed activity entails clearing (tree and brush removal), grubbing (stump and surface vegetation removal), excavation of vegetation and soil, and discharge of approximately 18,300 cubic yards of fill into the 4.3-acre property. As a result, the 1.43 acres of wetlands and 0.03 acre (755-foot length) of intermittently flowing stream would be permanently filled. Stream flow would be directed into an 18-inch diameter high-density polypropylene buried pipe that would run along the south and west edges of the property line and discharge into the off-site part of the stream channel, which leads another 350 feet to the North Fork Little Campbell Creek. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-6), dated November 30, 2023. Please contact Gregory Mazer at (907) 347-9059, or by email at, if further information is desired concerning this public notice.


POA-2014-00299 NorthForkLittleCampbellCreek PN