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POA-1980-00243, Bering Sea_PN

Published Feb. 28, 2024
Expiration date: 3/28/2024

The applicant, PACAF Regional Support Center shas stated the purpose is to provide long-term repair to the fuel pier, slow shoreline retreat, and protect shoreside facilities at the Eareckson Air Station (EAS) fuel pier. The project site is located within Section 16, T. 86 S., R. 257 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map ATT C-3; Latitude 52.7286º N., Longitude 174.0656º E.; on Shemya Island Alaska. PROPOSED WORK: PROPOSED WORK: The applicant requests authorization for the following work below the High Tide Line (approximate elevation +5.49 feet above the 0.0 foot contour) (HTL) and the Mean High Water Mark (approximate elevation +3.29 feet above the 0.0 foot contour) (MHW) in navigable waters of the United States: Install below the MHW two hundred (200) 42-inch diameter interlocking steel pipe piles around the existing fuel pier to create a new exterior pipe pile wall. The steel piles would be filled with concrete and connected to the existing fuel pier. Place into 2 acres below the HTL Cyclopean concrete fill (concrete filled with rubble) between the existing pier structure and the new exterior pipe pile wall (concrete totals 17,500 cubic yards); 4,500 cubic yards of Armor stone for scour protection at the fuel pier; 43,500 cubic yards of armor stone to construct the western shoreline berm revetment adjacent to the fuel pier for beach protection. Dredge 1,500 cubic yards of unconsolidated material from below the MHW and into an upland disposal site. The proposed project would increase the existing pier footprint up to 33,700ft2.  All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-10), dated November 15, 2023. Please contact Delana Wilks at (907) 201-5021, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.