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POA-2024-00057 Yukon River PN

Published March 1, 2024
Expiration date: 3/31/2024

Stantec Consulting Inc to expand the existing gravel and rock mining area to produce more construction aggregate that is needed for construction projects in the region. In addition, the applicant proposes to construct a bypass road for mining haul trucks to reduce traffic going through town where the local school and residential housing is located and to improve safety for local residents. The project is located near the city of Marshall, approximately 75 miles north of Bethel on the lower Yukon River, and consists of the current and proposed mining areas (Latitude 61.9146º N, Longitude -162.0225º W), proposed bypass road (Latitude 61.8716º N, Longitude -162.0628º W), and an existing storage/facility location (Latitude 61.8653º N, Longitude -162.0648º W), Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska.  PROPOSED WORK The proposed project would involve expanding an existing gravel and rock mining area to produce more construction aggregate that is needed for construction projects in the region. Specifically, the mining operation would expand to the north, which would require additional area for overburden placement, which would impact 3.8 acres of shrub wetlands. When mining ceases, waste rock and overburden will be graded to overall slopes of 3:1 (H:V). All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed construction plans.  Please contact Jonathan Hegna at 907-753-2708 or toll free from within Alaska at 800-478-2712, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.

POA-2024-00057 Yukon River