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POA-2020-00063 Klawock Inlet PN

Published March 28, 2024
Expiration date: 4/29/2024

Edward Douville stated the purpose is to replace the existing pier and floats that have exceeded their useful lives. The new project would have a ramp that is wide enough for vehicles to drive down to the new float, allowing for better commercial access for large operations, charter boats, fish processing, and other water dependent marine uses. PROPOSED WORK: The project would consist of removing 168 linear feet of wood pier, 800 square feet of wood float, and removing 33 existing creosote pilings. The new project would include the placement of 6,949.4 cubic yards of rock fill into 17,900 square feet below the high tide line, placement of six (6) new 18-inch diameter galvanized steel pilings, and placement of 2,400 square feet of wooden float. The project would include a 12-foot by 100-foot concrete breakwater held in place by three (3) 18-inch diameter galvanized steel pilings. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-6), dated February 28, 2024. Please contact Olivia Ortiz at (907) 753-2586, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.


POA-2020-00063 Klawock Inlet PN