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POA-2023-00479 Upper Trail Lake PN

Published June 13, 2024
Expiration date: 7/8/2024

Tracy Maxwell stated the purpose is to construct a sustainable organic farm small business and have supplemental income from cabin rental properties from the adjacent upland hillside property. The proposed activity would construct an agricultural facility, including fields for summer crops, pond for water storage, and gravel pads for greenhouses (multi-season crops), equipment storage, and a barn. Agricultural facilities would be constructed within wetlands in the central portion of the property. PROPOSED WORK: The project would construct agricultural facilities, fields, ponds, gravel pads for greenhouses, storage equipment areas, and a barn with permanent impacts to 1.23 acres of wetlands (19,474 cubic yards of fill using unclassified sub-base & topsoil). All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed application/plan. Please contact Nicholas Baggett at (907) 753-2670, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this public notice.

PN updated Jun 13, 2024

POA-2023-00479 Upper Trail Lake PN