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POA-2012-180, Norton Sound

Published March 12, 2013
Expiration date: 4/11/2013

The City of Nome proposes to add additional dock moorage and a Roll on/Roll off (RORO) ramp for loading and off-loading activities.  The RORO would have an accessible ramp at elevations of +6.5 feet and would be designed to carry wheeled cargo on and off the vessel on their own wheels.  The dock would be located between the West Gold Dock and the City Dock at the Port of Nome's Outer Harbor.  It would be designed to add container storage close to the RORO ramp and to allow berthing of the large barges without significantly encroaching into the navigational channel.  The proposed project would require the placement of 53,000 cubic yards of fill in approximately 1.45 acres of intertidal and subtidal waters.  The project would also require the excavation of 13,800 cubic yards of armor and sandy/gravelly material from approximately 1.14 acres of intertidal and subtidal waters. 

POA-2012-180, Norton Sound_PN

POA-2012-180, Norton Sound_PN Drawings