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POA-1979-301-M5, Wrangell Narrows

Published Dec. 31, 2014
Expiration date: 1/30/2015

Alaska Marine Lines, Inc.'s stated purpose is to increase the efficiency of the cargo loading and unloading operations of large barges at an existing marine cargo facility.  Proposed Work is proposing the following work in tidal waters below the high tide line (HTL). 1) Construct two A-frame pile supports using five 24-inch diameter steel piles connected to a 120-foot long by 25-foot wide steel ramp; 2) discharge 3,600 cubic yards (cy) of rock for construction of the landing pad and barge ramp abutment into a 0.24-acre area [of this area, 92% (0.22-acre) is an existing disturbed substrate that has been previously filled]; 3) construct two mooring dolphins using a total of four 24-inch diameter and two 30-inch diameter steel piles; and 4) extend an existing outfall pipe an additional 40 feet below the mean high water to accommodate the new barge ramp.  APPLICANT: Alaska Marine Lines, Inc., P.O. Box 24348, Seattle, WA 98124.  Please contact Marcia L. Heer at (907) 753-5759, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at, if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-1979-301-M5, Wrangell Narrows_PN