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POA-2015-318, Halibut Cove Lagoon

Published June 24, 2015
Expiration date: 7/23/2015

Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreations' tated purpose is to repair an existing structure to re-establish access to public facilities in the Halibut Cove State Park. Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreations proposes to remove the six- 20 foot x 10 foot floats and seven-12 inch diameter steel piles from below the mean high water mark of Halibut Cove Lagoon (MHWM, 17.3 feet above mean low low water of 0 feet elevation).  The existing beach stairs, 60 foot gangway and 36 foot trestle would be salvaged and re-installed.  The applicant proposes to install two-40 foot x 10 foot floats, six-12 inch diameter pilings, and an additional 60 foot long trestle section below the MHWM of Halibut Cove Lagoon.  The piling removal and installation would be completed using either a vibratory hammer or a gravity hammer.  It is estimated that installation of the new piles would take 4 hours per pile, for a total time of 3 days. Please contact Katherine A. McCafferty at (907) 753-2692 by fax at (907) 420-0813 or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2015-318 Halibut Cove Lagoon PN

POA-2015-318 Halibut Cove Lagoon PN sheets 1-12