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POA-2016-102, Colleen Lake

Published March 4, 2016
Expiration date: 4/4/2016

The overall project purpose is to create a facility to support the operational and logistical needs of North Slope oil and gas operators.  The applicant states that the facility would be used to provide storage for oilfield equipment such as a 30,000 square foot (sf) area for a laydown yard and equipment storage; and 30,000 sf of camp space and supporting modules (diesel generators, potable & waste water, etc.).  Additional space would be utilized for snow storage (26,250 sf), a driveway, and safe movement of vehicles, equipment, and pedestrians around the facilities and parking areas located on the pad. The proposed work is to construct a 9.98-acre gravel pad within wetlands abutting a recently permitted and constructed 5.01-ac gravel pad.  Specifically this work would result in the discharge of 80,900 cubic yards of clean fill material to provide a stable base for oilfield support equipment, vehicles, and facilities.  All work would be performed in accordance with the plan view dated February 3, 2016 and the cross sectional view dated February 3, 2016 (attached).  Please contact Heather Markway at (907) 753-2797, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

POA-2016-102, Colleen Lake_PN

POA-2016-102, Colleen Lake_PN Plans