Navigable Waters of Alaska


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Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899

Photo by Jonathan Hegna

Section 10 Navigable Waters include those waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide shoreward to the mean high water mark and/or those waters that are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Section 10 Navigable Waters are regulated under the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. Please note that inland rivers along the coast may be tidally influenced a significant geographic distance inland from ocean waters and those tidally influenced river areas would also be regulated under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act.

Alaska District: Non-Tidal Section 10 Navigable Waters List

The following is a list of non-tidal Section 10 Navigable Waters in Alaska. Tidally influenced Section 10 Navigable Waters are not listed below.

Number Waterway Name Navigable Length (Miles) Navigability Descriptions
1 Aleknagik Lake 24 Entire length and breadth.
2 Becharof Lake 43 Entire length and Breadth; Empties into Egegik River.
3 Big Lake 5 Entire length and breadth. Drainages from Big Lake to tidal waters are not navigable.
4 Buckland River 40 Navigable 40 miles upstream to junction with the West Fork Buckland River.
5 Campbell Lake Entire Entire length and Breadth.
6 Chatanika River 139 Navigable 139 miles upstream to the junction with Long Creek.
7 Chena River (including Noyes Slough) Entire Navigable 258 miles upstream to the junction with the Etivluk River.
8 Colville River 258 Navigable 139 miles upstream to the junction with Long Creek.
9 Copper River 287 Navigable upstream for 287 miles.
10 Eagle River 24 Navigable 24 miles upstream to the Eagle River Visitors Center.
11 Eek River 20 Navigable 20 miles upstream from the Kuskokwim River.
12 Egegik River 28 Navigable for entire Length.
13 Eyak River 5 Navigable 4.5 miles upstream from tidal waters.
14 Iditarod River 340 Navigable 340 miles upstream from the Innoko River .
15 Iliamna Lake 70 Entire length and breadth.
16 John River 105 Navigable 105 miles upstream to the junction with the Hunt Fork John River.
17 Kantishna River 100 Navigable 100 miles upstream to junction with Bearpaw River.
18 Kasilof River 6 Navigable 6 miles upstream to the Sterling Highway bridge crossing.
19 Kenai Lake 20 Entire length and breadth.
20 Kenai River 81 Navigable for entire length.
21 Kobuk River 200 Navigable 200 miles upstream from tidal waters.
22 Koyukuk River 544 Navigable entire length from Yukon River to the junction with the North and Middle Fork Koyukuk Rivers.
23 Kuparuk River 52 Navigable 52.2 miles upstream to the junction with the Toolik River.
24 Kuskokwim River 400 Navigable 400 miles upstream to McGrath.
25 Kuzitrin River 15 Navigable 15 miles upstream to junction with Davidson's Slough.
26 Kvichak River 50 Navigable 50 miles upstream to Iliamna Lake.
27 Lake Clark 45 Entire length and Breadth to Newhalen River.
28 Lake Louise 8 Entire length and breadth.
29 Little Susitna River 84 Navigable 84 miles upstream to the Schrock Road Bridge.
30 Matanuska River 75 Navigable 75 miles upstream to junction with Caribou Creek.
31 Naknek River 20 Navigable 19.5 miles upstream from tidal waters.
32 Nenana River 80 Navigable 80 miles upstream to the Parks Highway Bridge.
33 Noatak River 400 Navigable 400 miles upstream to junction with Portage Creek.
34 Noyes River Entire Entire length to Chena River.
35 Nushagak River 34 Navigable 14 miles upstream from tidal waters.
36 Porcupine River 225 Navigable 225 miles upstream to the Canadian Border.
37 Sagavanirktok River 160 Navigable 160 miles upstream to junction with the Atigun River.
38 Selawik River 50 Entire length and breadth.
39 Skilak River 13 Entire length and breadth.
40 Snake River 0 Entire area of the authorized USACE project at the Port of Nome.
41 Stikine River 30 Navigable upstream for 30 miles to Canadian Border.
42 Susitna River 115 Navigable upstream for 115 miles to junction with Deadhorse Creek.
43 Tanana River 455 Navigable upstream for 455 miles to the junction with Nabesna River and Chisana River.
44 Tolonava River 135 Navigable upstream for 135 miles.
45 Tustumena River 23 Entire length and breadth.
46 Ugashik River Entire Navigable for entire length.
47 Willow Creek (Willow, AK) 4 Navigable upstream 4 miles from the Susitna River to the Parks Highway Bridge.
48 Wood River and Lakes (Dillingham, AK) 48 Navigable for entire length including Lake Aleknagik.
49 Yukon River 1432 Navigable upstream for 1,432 miles to the Canadian Border.
Photo by Jonathan Hegna