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Permit Application Public Notices

Photo by Rebecca Manbeck

Public involvement is a key element of the Corps’ permit review process. During an application review, the USACE, Regulatory Division considers the views of other federal, state and local agencies, Native American tribes, interest groups, and the general public. The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the United States. This is accomplished through the posting of a Public Notice on the USACE, Regulatory Division's website and soliciting comments.

The USACE, Regulatory Division publishes monthly a list of individual permits issued, denied, or pending during the previous month. The list will identify each action by public notice number, name of applicant, and brief description of activity involved. It will also note the relevant environmental documents and the Statements of Findings (SOF) or Records of Decision (ROD) that are available upon written request through the FOIA process and, where applicable, upon the payment of administrative fees.

Special Public Notices

These are public notices that involve the Regulatory program but which are generally not limited to one particular project. These would include public notices for the establishment or modification of Restricted Areas/Danger Zones, issuance/re-issuance of General Permits (Regional General Permits or Nationwide Permits), changes to guidance and policies, etc.

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Public Notices

Archive: August, 2015
  • POA-2006-203, KOTZEBUE SOUND

    Expiration date: 9/30/2015

    Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation's stated purpose is to maintain and expand the barge landing site at the Kotzebue Tech Center to allow larger, more economic loads to be hauled to Kotzebue. The proposed work is to dredge 1,400 cubic yards of material from the existing landing in an area approximately 200’ long by 80’ wide to an average dredge depth of -3’. The expansion area dredging for the new landing would remove a similar amount of material, with a 50’ buffer between the two sites. The total area dredged would be 0.74 acres. Two (2) 50’ long by approximately 20’ wide loading ramps will be constructed on uplands adjacent to the dredge sites. All work would be performed in accordance with the plans labeled KIC BARGE LANDING IMPROVEMENTS, sheets 1-3 (attached). Please contact Steve Moore at (907)753-5713, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2015-283, Chuckchi Sea

    Expiration date: 9/18/2015

    North Slope Borough's stated purpose is to construct a gravel stockpile yard for use by the North Slope Borough. The proposed work is to construct a 3.9 acre gravel stockpile yard. This work would result in the discharge of 50,000 cubic yards of material. All work would be performed in accordance with the plans labeled NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH GRAVEL STOCKPILE SITE, sheets 1-4 (attached). The project site is located within Section 8, T. 15 N., R. 31 W., on USGS Quad Map AK-Wainwright Point C-2; Umiat Meridian; Latitude 70.664391°N, Longitude 159.966475°W, Wainwright, Alaska. Please contact Steve Moore at (907)753-5713, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2015-435

    Expiration date: 9/13/2015

    The applicant has described the project as erosion repair and channel realignment for the purpose of protecting the existing North Fork Road bridge infrastructure. The applicant proposes to discharge dredged and fill material into 0.33 acre of the North Fork Anchor River (NFAR) below the ordinary high water mark (OHWM), and into 0.9 acre of wetlands adjacent to the NFAR. Please contact Michael Setering at (907) 753-2627 or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2006-1418-M6, Tongass Narrows

    Expiration date: 9/3/2015

    Survey Point Holdings, Incorporated's stated purpose is to have permit special conditions 15 and 17 reconsidered or removed. Permit POA-2006-1418-2 has two special condtions that restrict the vessel size for Berth IV. Special Condtion 15: No vessels longer than 58 feet shall use the north tender float. Special Condition 17: No vessels longer than 63 feet shall use the south tender float. These special conditions were incorporated at the request of the Unitied States Coast Guard (USCG) and for the protection of navigation and the general public’s right of naviagation on the water surface [33 CFR 320.4(o)(3)]. Please contact Ms. Amanda Whittier at (907) 753-5582, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2015-215, Sagavanirktok River

    Expiration date: 9/2/2015

    The applicant's stated purpose, Brice Incorporated, is to provide year-round access for equipment and staging area for ongoing projects on the Dalton Highway and at the Deadhorse Airport. PROPOSED WORK: Discharge of up to 49,050 cubic yards of clean fill material in 5.05 acres of jurisdictional wetlands to develop an equipment and material staging area and access ways to support on-going projects at the Deadhorse airport and along the Dalton Highway. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plans, (sheets 1-4), dated February 2015. Comments on the described work, with the reference number, should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision. Please contact John Sargent at (907) 474-2166, by fax at (907) 474-2166, or by email at, if further information is desired concerning this notice.