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Permit Application Public Notices

Photo by Rebecca Manbeck

Public involvement is a key element of the Corps’ permit review process. During an application review, the USACE, Regulatory Division considers the views of other federal, state and local agencies, Native American tribes, interest groups, and the general public. The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the United States. This is accomplished through the posting of a Public Notice on the USACE, Regulatory Division's website and soliciting comments.

The USACE, Regulatory Division publishes monthly a list of individual permits issued, denied, or pending during the previous month. The list will identify each action by public notice number, name of applicant, and brief description of activity involved. It will also note the relevant environmental documents and the Statements of Findings (SOF) or Records of Decision (ROD) that are available upon written request through the FOIA process and, where applicable, upon the payment of administrative fees.

Special Public Notices

These are public notices that involve the Regulatory program but which are generally not limited to one particular project. These would include public notices for the establishment or modification of Restricted Areas/Danger Zones, issuance/re-issuance of General Permits (Regional General Permits or Nationwide Permits), changes to guidance and policies, etc.

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Public Notices

Archive: May, 2019
  • POA-2019-00229, Saint Michael Bay

    Expiration date: 6/8/2019

    Norton Sound Health Corporation, states that the purpose is to construct a new health clinic in St. Michael. The project would improve medical services for residents of St. Michael by replacing the old clinic, which is inadequate to meet the needs of residents due to size limitations. The proposed project would result in a discharge of fill material into approximately 0.67-acre of wetland for the construction of a gravel pad. The primary gravel pad would measure pad measures approximately 120 feet by 150 feet with an entrance way measuring approximately 40 feet by 40 feet. The gravel fill pad would have an average thickness of five feet and side slopes would be 3:1. The project would include construction of an emergency vehicle storage building and morgue adjacent to the new clinic. The shared gravel pad will accommodate parking for two full size vehicles and seven ATVs, accommodate required setbacks, and fuel storage tanks. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-4). The project site is located within Section 25 of Township 23 South, Range 18 West, Kateel River Meridian; USGS Quad Map St. Michael B-1; Latitude63.48° North and 162.04° West; in St Michael, Alaska. Please contact Jason Berkner at (907) 753-5778, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2017-00271

    Expiration date: 7/1/2019

    Pebble Limited Partnership, 3201 C Street, Suite 505, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503, states that the project purpose is to produce commodities, including copper, gold, and molybdenum, from the Pebble Deposit, which is a naturally occurring concentration of copper-gold-molybdenum and other valuable minerals, in a manner that is commercially viable using proven technologies that are suitable for the remote project location. Work being proposed includes the discharge of 524,000 cubic yards of gravel and rip rap for the construction of a causeway/wharf; installation of two lighted navigation buoys; installation of six mooring buoys at two separate locations below the mean high water mark of the Cook Inlet; and installation of 104-miles of natural gas pipeline across the Cook Inlet; construction of two ferry terminals on Lake Iliamna; installation of four mooring/navigation buoys in Lake Iliamna; and installation of 18-miles of natural gas pipeline below the ordinary high water mark of Lake Iliamna. The project location is in southwest Alaska, near Iliamna Lake, approximately 200 miles southwest of Anchorage and 60 miles west of Cook Inlet. The mine site and a majority of the proposed supporting infrastructure would be located in the Lake and Peninsula Borough with the remainder of supporting infrastructure located in the Kenai Peninsula Borough.

  • POA-1992-00562, Canyon Creek

    Expiration date: 6/23/2019

    Cy Bras of Bras Mining; Post Office Box 11, Chicken, Alaska 99732, states that the purpose of this project is to conduct placer mining activities for the recovery of gold. The proposed work involves an after-the-fact permit to authorize the past discharge of 161,000 cubic yards of native material into 10-acres of waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands, and proposed new work and reclamation. Proposed new work is to discharge up to 490,000 cubic yards of native material into 30.2-acres of Canyon Creek and adjacent wetlands in order to recover gold and reclaim the site. An after-the-fact permit would address violations of the terms and conditions of the Regional General Permit for Mechanical Placer Mining in Alaska, GP-2014-00055. The project site is located within Copper River Meridian, T. 27 N., R. 22 E., Sec(s) 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 16; T. 28 N., R. 22 E., Sec 32; and Fairbanks Meridian, T. 8 S., R. 33 E., Sec(s) 11, 14, 23, 26, 35; near Latitude 64.16379º N., Longitude 141.13361º W.; approximately 25 miles east of Chicken, Alaska. Please contact Jason Brewer at (907) 753-2823, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2019-00161, Kuskokwim River

    Expiration date: 6/21/2019

    Brent Latham of Tumak Enterprises, LLC; Post Office Box 2841; Bethel, Alaska 99559, states that the purpose is to provide road access to new housing for single family residences in Bethel, Alaska. The work being proposed includes the discharge of 10,377 cubic yards of fill into 1.79 acres of scrub-scrub and emergent wetlands to construct road access and develop 10 residential housing lots. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-11), dated May 21, 2019. The project site is located within Section 12, T. 8 N., R. 71 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Bethel D-8; Latitude 60.7952º N., Longitude -161.8485º W.; in Bethel, Alaska. Please contact Nicholas Lucore at (907) 753-5783, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2019-00115, Tanana River

    Expiration date: 6/5/2019

    PURPOSE: The applicant, Mr. Jon Thies' stated purpose is to expand an already existing commercial gravel material source. LOCATION: The project site is located within Section 20, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., Fairbanks Meridian; USGS Quad Map Fairbanks D-2; Latitude 64.8160º N., Longitude 147.8100º W.; Fairbanks North Star Borough; Block20, Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26; located at 3510 Van Horn Road, in Fairbanks, Alaska. PROPOSED WORK: The applicant’s proposed work is to expand 3.5 acres of an already existing commercial gravel pit located on Tax Lot 26. Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 are currently owned by the applicant. The existing 2.5 acre material site located on Lot 26 will be expanded to incorporate land area on Lots 23, Lot 24, and Lot 25. The anticipated wetland impact is anticipated to consist of approximately 3.3 acres of Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Broad-Leaved Deciduous/Broad-Leaved Evergreen Seasonally Saturated wetlands (PSS1/3B). The entirety of the lots outside the uplands, located on Lot 26, consist entirely of wetlands. The proposed work will consists of removing and stockpiling approximately 10,650 cubic yards (CY) overburden for use as stockpiling and topsoil, and the extraction of approximately 122,450 CY of sand and gravel to an already existing upland area. The approximately 3.3 acre expansion will be phased over the course of three years. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan sheets (1-6), dated May 03, 2019. All comments should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision. Please contact Laurel A. Gale at (907) 458-1601, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.