Corps ID: POA-2015-25
Applicant: Armstrong Energy, LLC
NEPA Lead Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Corps Point of Contact: Ellen Lyons, Regulatory Project Manager
Corps email:
EIS Contractor: DOWL
Description of Proposed Action: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to address the statutory responsibilities set forth under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for the proposed Nanushuk Project. Armstrong Energy, LLC proposes to develop hydrocarbon deposits from its oil and gas leasehold east of the Colville River Delta, approximately 52 miles west of Deadhorse and 7 miles from Nuiqsut. Major project components would include construction of three drill sites, a central processing facility, an operations center, and tie-in facilities to connect to existing infrastructure at Kuparuk. Power, water and wastewater systems would be constructed for the facilities. The project facilities would require new gravel pads totaling 74.9 acres. The proposed Nanushuk Project would also construct interior and access roads. Road infrastructure would include13.6 miles of gravel access road (111.1 acres) with a bridge over the Miluveach River; 11.9 miles of infield roads (92.0 acres) including a bridge over the Kachemach River; and upgrades and/or widening of existing roads (8.1 acres) between Oliktok Dock and the project facilities. There would be 34.4 miles of pipelines constructed, including pipelines for water, three-phase product and sales quality oil. The proposed Nanushuk Project also includes screeding (contouring of the sea floor) of 5.8 acres at the existing Oliktok Dock. There is currently no year-round road or rail access to the proposed drilling sites, which are isolated from existing power and other required infrastructure. The proposed Nanushuk Project would have a total footprint of approximately 286 acres, which would include the fill of approximately 280 acres of wetlands and other Waters of the U.S.
Additional Information:
Armstrong Energy LLC has submitted an application for a Department of the Army permit to develop the Nanushuk Project. The Corps will be evaluating the permit application for work and/or discharges of pollutants under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The EIS will be used as a basis for the permit decision in compliance with NEPA.
The Corps is the lead Federal agency for the EIS. Cooperating Agencies include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the Native Village of Nuiqsut.
Find the Nanushuk EIS in the EPA's database here.
EIS Milstones Completion Date
Publish Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS February 4, 2016
Conduct Scoping February 4 through May 31, 2016
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Draft EIS
Hold DEIS Public Meetings
Publish Notice of Availability and Issue Final EIS
Complete Record of Decision
Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS
To find the EIS and all associated documents, please visit the EPA's EIS database and search "Nanushuk." The database can be found here.;jsessionid=1AC25E2D08E88A3FC170FD6360975B25?search=&__fsk=-1330521137#results