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Permit Application Public Notices

Photo by Rebecca Manbeck

Public involvement is a key element of the Corps’ permit review process. During an application review, the USACE, Regulatory Division considers the views of other federal, state and local agencies, Native American tribes, interest groups, and the general public. The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the United States. This is accomplished through the posting of a Public Notice on the USACE, Regulatory Division's website and soliciting comments.

The USACE, Regulatory Division publishes monthly a list of individual permits issued, denied, or pending during the previous month. The list will identify each action by public notice number, name of applicant, and brief description of activity involved. It will also note the relevant environmental documents and the Statements of Findings (SOF) or Records of Decision (ROD) that are available upon written request through the FOIA process and, where applicable, upon the payment of administrative fees.

Special Public Notices

These are public notices that involve the Regulatory program but which are generally not limited to one particular project. These would include public notices for the establishment or modification of Restricted Areas/Danger Zones, issuance/re-issuance of General Permits (Regional General Permits or Nationwide Permits), changes to guidance and policies, etc.

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Public Notices

Archive: 2022
  • POA-2021-00529_Tanana_River_PN

    Expiration date: 2/25/2022

    Daniel Welch, Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) stated purpose is to bring the FNSB South Cushman Rifle Range to current safety and accessibility guidelines. The proposed project would improve safety of and access to the FNSB South Cushman Rifle Range. Fill would be permanently placed in 1.0 acres of jurisdictional wetlands of the U.S. to construct new safety berms and expand the backstop berm. The project would also construct a restroom facility, establish a covered shooting area, and create parking, access paths and shooting benches that are compliant with requirements of the American with Disabilities Act. The project site is located at Section 26, T. 2 S, R. 1 W.; Fairbanks Meridian; Latitude 64.79413º, Longitude -147.69651º; in Fairbanks, Alaska. See Sheets 1-6 enclosed with this notice. Please contact Greg Mazer at (907) 347-9059, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 474-2164, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2021-00577, Yukon River PN

    Expiration date: 2/23/2022

    Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Attention: Brett Nelson, 2301 Peger Road, Fairbanks, AK 99709,, 907-451-2238, stated purpose is to upgrade existing aviation facilities at Saint Mary’s Airport to meet current FAA safety and capacity guidelines. Discharge 37,000 cubic yards of gravel into 2.6-acres of wetlands to construct the following: Resurface unpaved Runway 17/35 and extend the Runway Safety Area’s (RSA’s) length north by approximately 450 feet. Resurface unpaved Runway 6/24 and widen existing RSA embankment by approximately 35 feet and extend embankment approximately 60 feet beyond the existing embankment of the west end of Runway 6. Resurface unpaved Taxiways A and B, the transient apron, and the unpaved portion of the main apron. Repave the main asphalt apron. Replace navigation aids. Construct drainage improvements. Replace and widen two culverts on the Yukon River Access Road. Rehabilitate airport lighting. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-9), dated December 1, 2021. The project site is located within Section 19, 24, 25, and 30, T. 23N., R. 76W; Kwiguk A-3; Seward Meridian; Latitude 62.060833º N., Longitude 163.301833º W.; in Saint Mary’s, Alaska. Please contact Janet Post at (907) 753-2831, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • Revised Public Notice, POA-2013-00286

    Expiration date: 2/13/2022

    On January 13, 2022, the Alaska District Corps of Engineers published a Public Notice for Department of the Army (DA) permit number POA-2013-00286, Tanana River for a DA permit application from Peak Gold LLC to profitably produce gold from land owned by the Native Village of Tetlin utilizing open-pit mining methods and existing proven recovery processes. The project site is located within Sections 1-3 & 10-16, T. 16 N, R. 13 E.; Sections 1, 2, 6, 7 & 18, T. 16 N, R. 14 E.; Section 6, T. 16 N, R. 15 E.; Sections 23-25 & 34-36, T. 17 N, R. 13 E.; Sections 19-22, 26, 27, 29-36, T. 17 N, R. 14 E.; Sections 13 &14, T. 17 N, R. 13 E.; Sections 5, 8, 9, & 16-18, T. 17 N, R. 14 E.; Sections 19, 20, 29, & 32, T. 18 N, R. 14 E.; Copper River Meridian; Latitude 63.1834º, Longitude -142.8937º; within lands owned by and proximal to the Native Village of Tetlin, Alaska. The notice showed a public notice date of January 13, 2021, and an expiration date of January 13, 2021. This information is incorrect and should instead read: Public Notice Date: January 13, 2022, and Expiration Date: January 13, 2022. All other information contained in the previous notice remains the same. Please bring this announcement to the attention of anyone you know who is or may be interested. Please contact Greg Mazer at (907) 347-9059, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2021-00537, Goldstream Creek_PN

    Expiration date: 2/17/2022

    Big Sky Exploration, Cary Williams, states the purpose is to remove overburden soils and material in order to recover gold and washed gravels. The applicant proposes the discharge of approximately 20 acres of fill material in Waters of the U.S. including wetlands per year during placer mining activities and site rehabilitation activities within Goldstream Creek and adjacent wetlands. Mining pit dimensions would vary dependent on location. Prior to mining, Goldstream Creek would be permanently diverted along the north side of the existing mine pit ponds a distance of about 5,000 linear feet. The diversion channel would reenter its historic channel just below the west end of the existing mine pit. Near the west end of the stream diversion channel a large culvert would be placed to allow water flow and mining vehicle access. The project site is located within Latitude 64.941851º N., Longitude 147.743299º, left on Goldstream Road for 0.5 mile; left on Bethlehem Court for 0.5 mile; right onto tailings for 1.5 miles, in Fox, Alaska. Please contact John Sargent at (907) 347-1801, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-1998-00090, Newton Gulch, Placer Mining_PN

    Expiration date: 2/14/2022

    Dry Gulch, LLC., Dr. Paul Sayer, Gen. Mgr., Post Office Box 10, Homer, Alaska 99603 Email: Phone Number: 907-299-2077, states the purpose is to conduct commercial gold mining. The applicant proposes to modify his permit, adding 18-acres to his existing 91 acre mine site. He proposes to discharge approximately 4,050,000 cubic yards of overburden and non-pay material into 4.5 acres of wetlands and 13.5 acres of uplands to conduct mechanical land clearing and reclamation in association with a placer mining operation. A summary of the permit and modifications are summarized in the table below. Details on the proposed modification are included on the enclosed plans (sheets 1-4), dated January 12, 2022. The project site is located within Sections 7, 8, 17, and 18, T. 11 S.,R. 33 W., Kateel River Meridian; USGS Quad Map Nome C-1; Latitude 64.5391° N., Longitude 165.3331° W.; in Nome, Alaska. Please contact Leslie Tose at (907) 753-5515, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.