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Permit Application Public Notices

Photo by Rebecca Manbeck

Public involvement is a key element of the Corps’ permit review process. During an application review, the USACE, Regulatory Division considers the views of other federal, state and local agencies, Native American tribes, interest groups, and the general public. The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the United States. This is accomplished through the posting of a Public Notice on the USACE, Regulatory Division's website and soliciting comments.

The USACE, Regulatory Division publishes monthly a list of individual permits issued, denied, or pending during the previous month. The list will identify each action by public notice number, name of applicant, and brief description of activity involved. It will also note the relevant environmental documents and the Statements of Findings (SOF) or Records of Decision (ROD) that are available upon written request through the FOIA process and, where applicable, upon the payment of administrative fees.

Special Public Notices

These are public notices that involve the Regulatory program but which are generally not limited to one particular project. These would include public notices for the establishment or modification of Restricted Areas/Danger Zones, issuance/re-issuance of General Permits (Regional General Permits or Nationwide Permits), changes to guidance and policies, etc.

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Public Notices

Archive: 2013
  • POA-2005-1295-M11, Beaufort Sea

    Expiration date: 12/6/2013

    The nature of the activity is to expand the OTP, install a 12-inch 3-phase above-ground flowline from the OTP to DS3H, install a 12-inch seawater above-ground flowline from the OTP to a new seawater tie-in pad, and expand the offshore ODS. Discharge a total of 189,450 cubic yards of gravel fill material into navigable waters, inland surface waters, and wetlands. USACE PROJECT MANAGER: Harry A. Baij Jr.,Alaska District, Regulatory Division, E-mail address:; Office phone: 907-753-2784, Cell phone: 907-782-7517, Toll-free phone (within Alaska): 800-478-2712.

  • POA-2013-23, Chiniak Bay

    Expiration date: 12/5/2013

    City of Kodiak stated purpose is to replace the existing Pier 3 located on Rezanof Drive W. near the foot of Pillar Mountain. The proposed project would place 36,000 cubic yards (CY) of fill and 10,500 CY of rock into 1.60 acres below High Tide Line (HTL). The proposed project would be constructed adjacent to the east end of the existing Pier 3 and would be 115 feet wide by 420 feet long, utilizing 120 piles. Minor dredging of the ocean floor would allow for water depths of approximately -45 ft MLLW at the face of the new pier. To the greatest extent possible, dredged materials would be reused in the areas on the eastern side of the new pier where fill would be required. Please contact Ms. Amanda Whittier by email at or by phone (907) 753-5582, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by fax at (907) 753-5567, if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2007-964-M1, Tanana River

    Expiration date: 12/3/2013

    Fairbanks Natural Gas, LLC’s, (POC: Mr. Doug Smith) stated purpose is to augment the storage and supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) available for consumption in the Fairbanks area. The proposed project would eliminate the need for customers to interrupt their service and switch to an alternative heat source such as oil. The project would reduce the high cost of space heating for customers and reduce the generation of PM2.5 particulates, which degrades air quality.

  • POA-2013-565, Chilkat River

    Expiration date: 11/30/2013

    Mr. John Floreske Jr.'s stated purpose is to “provide for the private use of visual flight rules and prior permission required helicopter take off and landings.” Proposed Work: Discharge 1,437 cubic yards of fill material into 0.34 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands to construct 3 helipads each 59 feet long by 59 feet wide with 3 approach-ways each 39 feet long by 59 feet wide. Please contact Randal Vigil at (907) 790-4491, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2012-769, Near Island Channel

    Expiration date: 11/25/2013

    The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' stated purpose is to increase the longevity of the facility and to improve the efficiency and safety for the transfer of passengers and vehicles by the Alaska Marine Highway System M/V Tustumena. The existing timber dock is approximately 50 years old and is nearing the end of its intended service life. The existing 12,150 square foot timber dock would be replaced completely, and expanded to 19,000 square feet. The new dock would consist of 88, 24-inch diameter steel piles, a concrete deck, 10 new 18-inch diameter fender pin piles, and the fuel and water systems would be upgraded. Existing creosote treated timber piles would be removed. An impact or vibratory hammer would be used to install piles into pre-drilled holes in bedrock. In addition, up to 250 cubic yards of fill material would be placed within up to 0.1-acre below the High Tide Line of Near Island Channel in order to protect the shoreline from further erosion. Please contact Roberta K. Budnik at (907) 753-2785, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at if further information is desired concerning this notice.