US Army Corps of Engineers
Alaska District Website

Public Notice Manager

Archive: 2020
  • POA-2008-01401-M2, Campbell Creek

    Expiration date: 5/11/2020

    The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA), Real Estate Department and Heritage Land Bank, 4700 Elmore Road, 2nd floor, Anchorage, Alaska 99507, states that the purpose of the project is to relocate the Anchorage School District (ASD) Transportation Facility from its current location at the southwest corner of Tudor and Elmore to an area in close proximity, on land owned by the MOA, with access requirements. Work being Proposed includes the discharge of up to 105,000 cubic yards (CY) of clean fill into 7.6 acres of waters of the U.S. (wetlands) for the construction of an ASD Transportation Facility consisting of 17,200 square feet (sf) of office, 1,100 sf of maintenance and wash bays, 1,800 sf fuel station, 3,850 sf of storage space, 125 bus parking spaces, 12 work vehicle parking spaces, 148 staff parking spaces, and snow storage areas. Relocate an existing oil and grit separator, expand an existing on site detention basin and relocate an existing vegetated swales. The project site is located within Section 34, T. 13 N., R. 3 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Anchorage A-8; Latitude 61.1790º N., Longitude -149.8030º W.; in Anchorage, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. Please contact Ms. Arianne Logwood at (907) 753-5556, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2015-00056-M1, Hamilton Slough

    Expiration date: 4/24/2020

    Chevie Roach, with City of Shageluk, states that the project purpose is to ensure public health, sanitation, and security; replace aging infrastructure; and accommodate community growth. Work being proposed includes the temporary trenching and backfilling with up to 2,000 cubic yards of trenched gravel, dirt and rigid board insulation materials within 1.0 acre of Palustrine wetlands, for the placement of up to 7,125 linear feet of water main, 4,025 linear feet of sewer main, 37 water service lines, and 35 sewer service lines would be installed within separately constructed trenches. Each trench would vary in depth and width based on the substrate (granular soil, permafrost, rock soil) and whether the line is pressurized or gravity, but is expected to be from 4-feet up to 8-feet deep, and from 10-feet up to 20-feet wide. The pipelines would be surrounded by pipe bedding material and rigid board insulation, and covered with at least 4 feet of native material previously removed from the trench. Where the pipe is located within roadway, the area would be covered with at least 4 inches of leveling course. Where the pipe is located in natural areas, the trench would be mounded above grade with 6 inches of topsoil and seeded and fertilized. The proposed wastewater system would be a buried gravity sewer system. 18 manholes would be installed along the sewer main. The portions of the project placed within the road prism would not be under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) jurisdiction. Additionally, the following portions of the project are not under the jurisdiction of the Corps but are part of the proposed project: • the existing Water Treatment Plant/washeteria would be remodeled • new water treatment, mechanical, and electrical equipment would be installed• a new 65,000-gallon water storage tank would be installed on a previously cleared and filled area. • plumbing upgrades (bathrooms, kitchen sinks, etc.) would be constructed in each home Construction is expected to start in late summer/fall 2020, and is expected to continue until fall of 2023. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-6), dated March 2020. The project site is located within Sections 25, 26, 35, &36, T. 30 N., R. 55 W., Seward Meridian; USGS Quad Map Holy Cross C-2; Latitude 62.6552º N., Longitude 159.5309º W.; in Shageluk, Alaska. Please contact Mary Romero at (907) 753-2773, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-1985-00180, Knudson Channel

    Expiration date: 5/8/2020

    Mr. Jeffrey Wedekind:, states that the project purpose is to replace 40 year old piles and floats that have been rendered unsafe due to winter storm damage, accommodate a future boathouse remodel, provide vehicle access to the existing boathouse and pier for the remodel and make the facilities ADA accessible. Work being proposed includes: 1. Remove existing 244 linear feet of floats and the associated (12) creosote wooden piles and replace with 220 linear feet of floats and the associated (12) galvanized steel piles to restrain the new floats; 2. Remove an existing 50-foot x 5-foot gangway and replace it with a 65-foot x 5-foot aluminum gangway; 3. Remove rotted decking, beams and up to (28), 12-inch diameter wood piles that support the existing 22-foot x 41-foot boathouse and a 30 linear foot section of pier adjacent to the boathouse with up to (28), 12-inch to 16-inch diameter wood creosote piles; 4. Construct a new 24-foot x 46-foot pier extension supported by (9) 12-inch diameter hot-dipped galvanizing (HDG) steel piles anchored to soil rock beach within 2-foot x 2-foot concrete footings. Excavate and backfill 0.08 cubic yards of beach gravel at each footing, for a total discharge of 0.70 cubic yards below the High Tide Line (HTL); 5. Construct a 50-linear foot stacked rock wall approximately 8-feet high above Mean High Water (MHW) elevation to retain 160 cubic yards of clean rock fill over an area of 600 square feet, of which 100 cubic yards of the fill would be placed below the HTL. The project site is located within Section 7, T. 74 S., R. 90 E., Copper River Meridian; Latitude 55.47302º N., Longitude 131.79488º W.; near Ketchikan, Alaska. Please contact Catherine Beatty at (907) 753-2554, toll free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by fax at (907) 753-5567, or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-1983-00503, Tenakee Inlet

    Expiration date: 4/23/2020

    Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, PO Box 112506, Juneau, AK 99811, states that the purpose of the project is to provide safe and improved facilities for Tenakee Springs Alaska Marine Highway System ferry vessel users. Work being proposed includes the discharge 6,250 cubic yards of rock fill material into 0.35 acres below the high tide line (approximate elevation +19.2 feet above the 0.0 foot contour) and mean high water mark (approximate elevation +13.7 feet above the 0.0 foot contour) of Tenakee Inlet to construct a staging area consisting of a base footprint of 122 feet wide by 109 feet long and surface footprint of 57 feet wide by 109 feet long. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-11), dated February 2020. The project site is located within Section 21, T. 47 S., R. 63 E., Copper River Meridian; USGS Quad Map Sitka D-4; Latitude 57.779221º N., Longitude 135.219501º W.; Alaska Marine Highway System Ferry Terminal, in Tenakee Springs, Alaska. Please contact Randal Vigil at (907) 790-4491 or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

  • POA-2020-00110, Sourdough Creek

    Expiration date: 5/7/2020

    Brett Nelson with Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities states that the project purpose is to extend the service life and improve the safety of two sections of the Richardson Highway. Work being purposed includes to rehabilitate the Richardson Highway between mileposts 138 & 148 by repaving the road, fixing sections of damaged embankment, grading drainage ditches, replacing failing culverts, resurfacing Sourdough Creek Bridge and replacing bridge approach and transition guard rails. Additionally, a portion of roadway at milepost 134 would be realigned towards the east, away from an eroding riverbank bluff. This portion of the project would occur in three phases necessary to thaw and drain the permafrost (Phase I), accelerate and consolidate settlement (Phase II), and construct and pave the new road (Phase III). The work for both the milepost 138 to 148 rehabilitation and milepost 134 realignment is scheduled to take place congruently. All work would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (sheets 1-6), dated March 2020. The project site is located within Section 23, T. #7 N., R. 1 W., Copper River Meridian; Latitude 62.374º N., Longitude -145.365º W.; near Glenallen, Alaska. Please contact Ashley Kraetsch at (907) 458-1606 or by email at: if further information is desired concerning this notice.

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